Data Entry Portfolio

Monthly Itinerary
I used to make a monthly itinerary on Google Sheets, which I shared with my team for convenience. This itinerary tracked our team's daily activities and engagement with target healthcare professionals. I used it to map out and track our planned and completed tasks.
Doctor's List
I have extensive experience in creating pivot tables to summarize Excel worksheets for quick viewing. I am also adept at gathering information on healthcare professionals not listed on the team's doctor list, allowing for them to be profiled and included. My pivot table skills make it easy to check information from multiple angles, such as by specialty, healthcare professional name, and hospital.
Omnichannel Grid
I created my omnichannel tracker to customize customer interactions across multiple channels. It allows to collect and analyze data from various channels, including websites, email, and more. This data used to identify customer trends and behavior, helping the brands I handles; better understand HCPs and create more effective marketing campaigns. The tracker can also provide insights into the effectiveness of different channels and help brands identify areas for improvement.