World Teachers Day

World Teachers Day
October 5, 2023
“3, 2, 1 Happy Teachers Day!”
Teaching is a noble job. Teachers invest time, effort, even money to give their learners quality education and address their needs. Teachers plan carefully their lessons and think of activities that may suit the interests and needs of their learners. To remember the sacrifices and contributions of teachers, annually, we celebrate the World Teachers Day. Every year, schools around the world celebrate this event with different activities designed for teachers.
Last October 5, 2023, teachers from San Diego Elementary School celebrated Teachers Day. The event started at 7:00 A.M in the morning with a mass. Everyone gave prayers and thanks to the All Mighty God for the blessings the teachers received. After the mass, the program started. Teachers lead the National Anthem and prayer. Sir Juan Amormio D. Cabardo gave his opening remarks. He greeted teachers a happy world teachers’ day and commended them for their effort and services. They were also intermission numbers from students that entertained teachers. These students were from the Grade 5.
Teachers went to the mass before doing the activities of the day
Sir Juan Amormio Cabardo led the teachers of singing the National Anthem. He also gave a speech for the all the teachers of San Diego Elementary School
Students from the Grade 5 performed songs to entertain teachers
Kinder and SPED Teachers during their performances
A sign of relief after the teachers on the Special Education Department finished their performances
The day was jam – packed with activities. After the mass, the teachers participated on a singing contest by using a videoke. Every grade level has its own representative. Teachers were tested on their creativity, sense of humor and knowledge on singing. All of the grade levels were great and had their own gimmick. The audiences enjoyed and laughed hard on each performance. All of the singers performed well. After the singing contest, the teachers competed on sports. The female teachers on different grade levels played Volleyball while the male teachers and non – teaching staff played a round of Basketball. All of the teams did their best on the games. Throughout the day, they were prizes that were raffled. All of the attendees won a prize. One of the activities on that day was the grade jingle based on Tiktok. Each performer slayed the dance floor with their fiery and graceful steps. Some teachers even improvised their own steps and lyrics. Another performance made by the teachers was the impromptu dance performance led by Teacher Lydio Naputo. Teachers from different grade levels joined the fun.
Throughout the activity, teachers were also given of foods from McDonalds and from the canteen of the school. The teachers had smiles on their faces and their stomachs full.
Teachers who served 20 years and higher were given certificates of recognition
Another highlight of the program was the awarding of teachers who served 20 years and above. That moment was emotional for all of teachers. Some reminisce from their past experiences. Others, the awarding served as an inspiration to further more continue service. This Teachers’ Day celebration was very important to teachers. It served as a morale boost for them, an inspiration to serve more for the benefit of the learners. That day was very memorable to the teachers of San Diego
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