Data Entry

SAMPLE WORK: Files and Links Tracker
This is a "Files and Links Tracker" I create using Google Sheets for the freshmen mentorship program I spearheaded during my Educational Psychology Internship at my university's Department of Psychology last December. This tracker consists of multiple categories that are relevant to the mentorship program (ex. Research, Script, etc.) and the respective links to each of their Google Drives. Also seen in the tracker are tasks given to each of the program's committees, the assigned person for each task (blurred for confidentiality), and submission links where all members uploaded their finished tasks. Since I handled various committees, I made this tracker so that all the program members will be easily guided and have a clear and organized view of all resource links and task assignments.
SAMPLE WORK: Mentorship Program Facilitators' Schedules
The image above is a spreadsheet I made of the facilitators' schedules of the freshmen mentorship program I lead during the internship I previously mentioned. Seen in the screenshot are the freshmen's sections, the schedules of their respective mentorship sessions, the contact information of their facilitators (blurred for confidentiality), and their assigned Google Meet links. The spreadsheet, which was also made using Google Sheets, was created in order for the facilitators to be reminded of their schedules and for me to have an accessible compilation of each facilitator's contact information and assigned section.
SAMPLE WORK: Political Party Accreditation Requirement Checklist
This is a checklist I made for the political party accreditation of the College of Science in my university in 2022. Since I was an executive board officer of the College of Science Commission on Elections, I created this checklist in order to monitor the submission of requirements of each political party's members. Listed in the spreadsheet are the forms and requirements (i.e. Conforme, School I.D., etc.) that political parties need to submit through Google Drive. Those that are approved by the assigned executive board officer are marked with a check, and those with deficiencies are noted in the 'Remarks' cell.
SAMPLE WORK: Recruits' Requirements Monitoring Checklist
This is a checklist I made during my internship as a Human Resources intern in July 2022. This was made in order to monitor the status of each recruit assigned to me. Seen in the checklist are the requirements and documents needed to be submitted by the recruits, the trainings and exams they need to accomplish, and their respective statuses (ex. 'Done', 'Pending'). This checklist was accomplished through Google Sheets.