Data Entry Specialist (Admin Officer)

: I am responsible for entering data into the computer system to make sure that the information contained in a file is accurate and up-to-date. I used Microsoft, Google Spreadsheets, and Documents for encoding data. In Microsoft docs, I made a report with regards to the inventory of the holder of the firearm on what is the up-to-date status of their firearms. I made a complete database on excel and google spreadsheets with the complete details as to the name, address, make, caliber, and serial number of their firearms also their status e.g sold firearm, firearm holder is deceased, the license is up-to-date or not, et cetera. Every week I will come up with a consolidation report and send it to their email by converting a docx file into pdf and vice versa.
I also used PowerPoint presentations for weekly validation on what my latest database had. Furthermore, I am listening to the audio and converting it into word.
In addition, with regards to the conversion of files, I am also
doing pdf to docs, excel to word, image to word, audio, and video to word, et