Data Entry
Encoded Event Weekly Report
Encoded the information provided by guests joining the activities in the event - registration forms into excel. Sent every day with a weekly report of each activity attendees.
Encoded Interview Forms for Staff List
Encode all the information provided by selected staff in application forms and documents given during the casting/interview day - Application form to Excel. Recorded for purpose of having list of staff for events.
Made a Schedule for an Event
Made a schedule based on the clients request, sent out messages to staff for availability check, encoded information given by staff in their preferred schedule and role, and sent booking messages once role and schedule is confirmed. Send the full schedule once all roles is filled to the Event Organizer for reference.
Made a Schedule with Costing Reference for an Event
Made a schedule based on the clients request, sent out messages to staff for availability check and booking messages once confirmed. Encode costing information such as rate per hour and payment info in preparation for the costing of each staff that worked in the event.
Encode Staff Information for Costing
Encoded all important information of each staff including the hours they worked which is based on their attendance sheet and rate per hour, any deductions or additional expenses made such as PCR Tests or Travel expenses is also encoded in the costing with the receipt as attachment as well as the deduction of any Transaction Fee.
With 57 word per minute I make sure to finish the tasks give to me on the desired timeline and also make sure to encode information with 100% accuracy.