
Things to consider why prioritizing oneself is important.
(And how to be an effective one because of it)
There are so many ways to consider this, but what most people don’t know is that the process will never be that easy. There is no excuse for being considerate in neglecting to prioritize yourself A lot worst might happen if you won’t do or at least try to give importance to yourself – you don’t know how to take care of your own being and you have no idea how to limit yourself to things that have been draining you all along.
1. Know its value. – being aware of prioritizing yourself is the key to self-love.
2. Acknowledge your emotions – it demands to be felt, not suppressed it. The more you resist, the more it will linger.
3. Time you need to allocate for yourself
4. You will know how to set boundaries – for yourself. Not the other way around. A lot of people misunderstood this. This kind of mindset is not selfish. Remember that it’s not your obligation to explain why you need to do that.
5. Your energy needs to be replenished -giving yourself a break and knowing when to is a very helpful tool that will regenerate your mind and body. And it’s not something to be guilty of.
6. The idea of “BALANCE” – there are things in this world that you can’t control. Learn to let go of those things and focus more on those you know you can still change for the better. In this way, you don’t speak negatively for yourself when things do not work the way you want them to be.
7. Respect yourself. If you know the saying: Respect is not given, it needs to be earned. If you keep on doing the same things that will just break you, keep on coming back to situations that are not helping you all along and will just ruin your way of thinking, respecting yourself is not necessary anymore. Learn how to walk away and set your limits. That is one way of respecting yourself.
8. The level of stress. Ignoring the fact that you need to prioritize yourself will give you a higher chance of your stress level elevating.
How often do you manage to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally?:
There are a lot of ways to say or to do in taking care of yourself in emotional and mental ways but not everyone took it by heart. I started doing it passionately the last year 2022 and here are my ways how:
· Give yourself 30 minutes to 1 hour of no social media attachment after you wake up. Take time to process and appreciate the life given.
· Meditate. Within that time frame, don’t forget to breathe in and out for at least 10 seconds while closing your eyes and feel everything that needs to be felt in real-time at the moment.
· Look me in the mirror for at least 3-5 minutes and tell myself “I can do it! This day will be a productive day regardless of its outcome! ”. It helps my confidence and self-esteem to boost maximum level and it’s effective.
· Writing bulleted or in paragraph paged dump journals and telling everything that I don’t know how to express vocally, how to show it, and how to figure it out. Writing is one way of expressing yourself in a free form so what I do next to that is to read it the time that I have already overcome it. Most importantly, it is my safe space.
· Giving myself a specific time of the day or the week to date myself and indulge my inner child, most likely.
· To stay away from any of my social media accounts or even on my phone to appreciate more the view or the things, people, and situations I am in now.
· Read a book for at least 10-15 pages a day and learn something productive and helpful from it.
Taking care of yourself and putting it on top of your list is not a try-and-error process but it should be taken seriously since it will play a very important part in our daily living. Most of our choices in life have always been dependent on how we also manage ourselves. The process does not mean to be expensive, or it should be done perfectly. It’s just a matter of giving it importance so that you can take it consistently and with motivation.