
"No matter how hard the situation is, always stand up and continue walking. Life is uncertain. We don't know what will happen and you will always trip down but if you won't stand up, then it's certain. You won't reach anything"
Actually, this is not the original speech that I planned to write. The speech I’m planning to create is about one of the greatest leaders in history. With that in mind, I messaged a friend to send me a part of a book that I gave her before. After some exchange of messages and some stories from memory lane, she closed the conversation with a single word. But for me, it’s not just a word; it’s a nostalgic and important word since I’m the one who created that. The word that helped me in every challenges that came my way. That powerful word pushed me to change my speech.
Ladies and gentlemen, whenever you face challenges in your life, what is your war cry? Is it “Kaya mo yan self?” or “Laban self?” or let’s make it Korean “Fighting!” For me, my war cry whenever I’m facing difficulties in life, I say “Faithing.”
Faithing originated from the two words Faith and Fighting. Yes, I used to be a K-Drama fan. Faith means putting your complete trust in someone or something and that someone for me is God while fighting is pushing through any obstacles or challenges. Combining this two is Faith + Fighting equals Faithing. Overcoming any obstacles or challenges that comes in your life through faith in God alone.
I invented this term when I’m still a struggling college student and an active student leader in our church. We all know how challenging college life could be. Academics alone are enough to bury you alive, what’s more, if you add extra-curricular activities or activities outside the campus? I’m just glad that I survived the ordeal in one whole piece. With a lot of obstacles that I faced, one of the greatest challenges in my college life is our thesis. Before our final defence, one of my group mates suggested we cheat the result of our device because it may be give a problem for us but as the leader of our group, I strongly disagree and the rest goes the way I wanted. Before we started I just said to myself “Faithing.” Can you guess what happens next? Yes, you are right! It went downhill from there. The result really gave us a problem. Did they regret it? Of course, they did. Did I regret it? Of course, I didn’t. I expected it. It’s my decision and I can’t complain about it. So what did I do that time? I just told myself, “Faithing”. I can, we can overcome this. That’s the only thing that I carve in my mind as I look in our prototype device.
Revisions are made. While commuting to school, with a smile I said to myself “Faithing”. Chapter 5 is wrong. While commuting back from school, with my face buried on my large bag, I said to myself “Faithing.”
Revisions are made. Chapter 4 is wrong, I said to myself “Faithing.”
Revisions are made. Chapter 3 is wrong, I said to myself “Faithing.”
Revisions are made. With only two days before graduation. Chapter 2 is wrong. Our entire thesis is wrong. The chances of not graduating are greater than 90%. While commuting back from school, with my bag covering my face as my tears roll down, I said to myself “Faithing.”
One day before our graduation, I don’t have any energy to get up; I receive a call from our President, telling me to get to school as soon as I can. With a heavy heart, I pushed myself and said “Faithing”. As soon as I arrived at the campus gate, one of my groupmate hugged me in joy, telling me “Gagraduate tayo JJ. Gurgon, gagraduate tayo.” He explained to me what happen. Our thesis professor communicated with our dean and our other professors that as the thesis instructor, she decided to give us a passing grade telling the other professor why they are is pressuring us when in return we are only students and not to expect results like a veteran. The moment we finished the device and make it run, it already gave us the qualifications for the passing grade. To cut the story short, we graduated and landed a job for myself.
Sometimes in life, we face challenges that seem like there is no hope or light but as we decided to kneel down, clasp our hands together and trust in Him, even the most impossible thing can be overturned as we put our trust in Him, we should also do our part with our best ability because faith without deed is dead. Again, Ladies and Gentlemen, my war cry in challenges is “Faithing.”