Social Media Management

Link to my Facebook Page : Claudz Salazar
I have recently created my professional Facebook page last August 2023 when I discovered my passion in creating contents. I enjoyed sharing my adventures to my friends and share useful information to anyone who will be able to watch my contents. Aside from traveling, I also like doing contents about food, arts and lifestyle.
I am still working on expanding my reach and I believe that with the right mindset and determination, I will be able to achieve my goals for my own page.
Here are a few samples of the contents I have made on my page:
Aside from my own personal page, I used to manage my own business page.
FB Page : Lunti - which was a small online business page I built during the pandemic last August 2020, selling live succulents and cacti from Benguet. I managed to sell out all of the stocks since we also had a small kiosk near our place.