Data Entry

Sample Data Entry Tasks
I used Microsoft Excel tool, this was a file from my previous project, listing the subscriber’s details such as their ID details, names, contact number and address for their upcoming broadband line installation. This also includes the job order number, status and remarks.
I used Google Spreadsheet in Google Suite, a file used as tracker for ticket logs. This includes software’s incident report ticket, caller’s name, description of the raised concern, ticket’s status, assignee, remarks etc.
I used Microsoft Powerpoint, this was the process background from my previous project which shows the daily task of work order manager for broadband project implementation.
I used Microsoft Word, file shows my created minutes of the meeting for client’s requested installation process.
I used Google Spreadsheet in Google suit, this was a sample file for Customers with mortgage outstanding balances.
Note: This was a sample file. Names, addresses and other details used were fictitious only.
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