Hey I am Tiffanykris

Why me?

Hi! I'm Tiffany. I am a customer Service representative for more than a year now who has an experience in both financial and healthcare account. I am a bookkeeper by profession, graduated from the course of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I initially wanted to work as a bookkeeper or in a bank (accounting position) but I wanted to try being an account specialist and at the same time being a customer service representative which I did not regret. I honed my english communication skills and my analytical skills during the process.

Also, I was an achiever at school, became a Governer in Accounting department and at the same time I was secretary of our dean. The type of person who puts her responsibilities first before herself. This might be one of the reasons why I was offered to join the workforce back in my previous job to take supervisor calls even though I was only with them for 6 months and there are a lot of tenured who was supposed to take the role. I was also a Social media manager for quite some time for fun. As introverted as I am, I usually focus on my job and my social media accounts. I am a very flexible person, my curiousity is one of the best skills that I have. I don't stop until I get what I want to know especially when I am tasked with a new job. Being a healthcare customer representative honed my analytical skills a lot since I am no dentist at all. Everyday I am still hoping to learn something new.

Why me? You can trust that I will always do my best when it comes to my job.

Tiffanykris Mojello Servidad
Cebu City, Philippines
Check my CV View Work Hire Me

Customer Service Representative| Fraud or Investigation Specialist |Healthcare Provider Support|Virtual Assistant| Social Media Manager

Customer Service Representative| Fraud or Investigation Specialist |Healthcare Provider Support| Social Media Manager
Communication skills
Active listening
Problem-solving skills
Emotional Intelligence
Time management


CSR | Healthcare

Customer Service, Healthcare, Financial, Fraud, Social Media Design

Saint Joseph College of Sindangan Incorporated
Bachelors of Science in Accountancy

SY : 2022

Accountancy Business Management

Saint Joseph College of Sindangan Incorporated

2018 - 2020
That girl in youtube
(Administrator/ Engager)

I managed this page as the administrator, responsible for all the content posted. I was also the engager where I was responsible to answer the questions asked by the followers.

August 2022 - April 2023
(Customer Service Representative)

I was a fraud/investigation specialist in a financial account where I answer customers via live chat or as a voice support. I was an SME after 6 months and was offered to take supervisor calls after honinv my skills for a couple of months. I trained newly hired representatives and assist them with solving cases.

June 2023 - N/A
(Customer Service Representative)

Assists dentists and provide the benefits of the policy holder. Ensure's that wach benefit given is accurate to avoid future discrepancies. I also assist on claims for the providers and help them solve their concern.


Customer Service Representative| Fraud or Investigation Specialist |Healthcare Provider Support| Virtual Assistant | Social Media Manager
Customer Service Representative : Financial Account Fraud Specialist

I was UK financial fraud specialist for 8 months. Chat and voice support. Position offered : Supervisor calls

Customer Service Representative: Healthcare

* Provides benefits to employees and dentists *Solve Claims

Social Media Management

Social Media Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one.


Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
Hire Me

Phone Number
+63 995 640 1432

Address :
Cebu City,

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