Data Entry

Sample Work # 1- AR Monitoring
This is an account receivable monitoring. This is the summary of customers' payment activities(short payment, balances and over payment). This shows the account name, invoice number, amount, date. This is where I manually encode customers' payment details, if it is cash or check, check details, amount, date. Also the payment deductions such as withholding tax, bad orders/returns and other discounts. This serves as our weekly AR report.
Sample Work # 2- Vansales Inventory Monitoring
This is where I encode the inventory loaded to a specific delivery van. It shows the product description, code and amount per case. This will summarize the salesman's total loading, total sales and ending inventory which is weekly reconciled.
Sample Work #3 - System Payment
This is the computer system we used to generate all hanging or unpaid invoices of all the customers. This where I also post customer payments, as soon as payment posting is made, the specific invoice which is already paid will no longer reflect when generating unpaid invoices.
In this part of the portal, I can enroll different deductions to an invoice such as withholding tax, other discounts and labor charges, so that it will automatically be deducted from the total invoice amount.
Sample Work# 4- Making Pyroll
This is the file for payroll, it shows all the names of active employees. This is where I encode number of days worked of each employees, absences basic daily rate and compute total salary within a specific payroll period.
the total pay of an employee is automatically linked to the payslip in the other sheet.