Shopping Content
“Shop ’til you dropped”, these were common phrases we used to hear from others and even from ourselves. Most of us tend to forget about SMART shopping rules. We all know that some women were guilty of impulsive buying. Indeed, we are champions in that aspect.
These days, temptations were everywhere not only in the mall but through social media. We get easily convinced by the word of mouth via social media. But let us not forget that not all will work for everyone. One item will work well for others, and others may not. In short, it is on our discretion on what and why to buy such an item.
1. SALE. Girls, let’s not be easily tempted to buy an item because it was on sale. SALE will give you a big discount, I agree to that! However, what if your money was intended for something more important than that item? Then we will end up losing track of our money budget because we bought things which we’re not merely important to us.
2. Budge List. If we have this list when we shop, it has made us more cautious on what things should be bought and what are things not merely important to have. If we go to the mall without the LIST, then consider yourself to lose your budget.
3. Pay it with CASH. We are all guilty of being tempted in the “zero interest” scale. Yes, it was zero interest, indeed, it will not cost other fees. But the pitfall of this is when circumstances happen that we fail our monthly due — that’s where extra charges came from.
4. Set a Goal. Let’s not deprive ourselves of our wants but that’s ONLY if we have cash intended for that particular item. An example of this is a gadget. We all do love gadgets, don’t we? But instead of using our credit card, why not try to SAVE money? In this way, we can get rid of extra interest and other charges in your monthly credit card bill. Let’s not get easily overwhelmed with back to back sales from one store to another. I agree that it was really tempting to use your card so that you will not need to spot cash just to buy the items you most liked.
So Don’t just go to your favorite shopping destination without a plan. DO your shopping PLAN to be a SMART shopper to save a lot of money!