BSHRM – Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Cordova Public College
One thing I can be certain of is that I have a great attitude and mindset towards doing the tasks assigned to me. My work ethic has made me a better version of myself, allows me to apply my best behavior, and creates an excellent relationship with every business I am dealing with. I am a fast learner with a can-do attitude taking on significantly more responsibilities to help the team on the back-end and provide more support. I am someone who has have excellent computer skills, is well-organized, have exceptional focus, and is willing to take on any task.
Cordova Public College
• Video and Photo Editing
• Graphic Design
• Newsletter creation
• Social Media management
• Leads management
• Handled the company’s online presence.
• Regularly updated the company’s online stores.
• Monitored ongoing marketing campaigns.
• Prepared presentations for progress report.
• Product research.
• Item listing.
• Monitoring prices variation.
• Competitor research
Performed accounts receivable and accounts payable functions, balanced cash, and posted sales invoices.
Search the Internet for information on a wide variety of topics.
Responsible for financial audits, reconciling bank statements, and ensuring financial records are accurate throughout.