Hey I am Patricia Beatriz

More Info About Me

A 3rd year student at Far Eastern University taking up Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She is a well-organized individual, proficient in written and verbal communication skills due to previous interest in Journalism. Has broad knowledge in Microsoft Office tools such as PowerPoint and Word earning a LinkedIn Skill Assessment badge for Microsoft Office in PowerPoint and word. Has an exceptional organizational skill needed to carry out given tasks. She delivers tasks properly in a given time. She is a team player. She works well with others and work towards the success of the group while also reaching her personal goals.

Patricia Beatriz H. De Leon
Manila, Philippines
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My Skills and Competencies

Social Media Manager
Facebook Ads Management
Data Entry
Content Creator



My Experience and Education

Blank Year
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Far Eastern University

2021 - 2022
Youth for Leni - Cagayan Chapter
(Social Media Manager)

In charge of producing and designing the publication materials that will be put on the account's Facebook page. Regularly posts and shares content. Scheduling posts on a weekly basis. Competitor research to help with idea flow.

2021 - 2022
NIPA Shoes
(Social Media Manager)

Advertises the company's products by researching various trends and identifying areas to adjust over time. Responsible for creating and designing the publication materials to be posted on the account's Facebook page and Instagram. Manages the account's messages and responses to customers' queries.

My Services

Social Media Management

Social Media Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one.

Facebook Ads Management

Facebook ads by getting inspiration from a few of our ad examples that have seen success.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is a craft where professionals create visual content to communicate messages.


Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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