Hi! I am Merlynn

More Info About Me

Greetings! I'm Merlynn, a Lead Generation Specialist and Client Satisfaction. My passion lies in leveraging my expertise to contribute meaningfully to projects and initiatives. My proficiency extends to B2B Lead Generation, Email Collection, and Data Entry, where I excel in delivering tailored solutions that drive tangible results. I am deeply committed to achieving client objectives and take pride in my ability to navigate the nuances of Lead Generation work. Whether it's optimizing outreach strategies or refining prospecting techniques, I am dedicated to delivering excellence in every aspect of my work. I am currently seeking opportunities to collaborate with forward-thinking teams where I can share my knowledge and skills to drive impactful outcomes.

Merlynn Intacto
Bulacan, Philippines
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My Skills and Competencies

Lead Researcher
Web Research Skills
Email Marketing
Data Scraping
LinkedIn Leads
Sequencing Strategy Development
Cold Outreach Campaign Management
Email Drafting and Copywriting
Social Media Management
Graphic Designer


My Experience and Education

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

March - April
Gestion Internationale CPDC Inc.
(Lead Generation Internship)

Proactively sourced and cultivated new client partnerships for a Canadian recruitment agency specializing in the automotive industry.

February - March
Nature Packaged LLC
(Lead Generation Internship)

Utilized market research and outreach strategies to source leads daily. Executed cold outreach email campaigns and drafted client outreach emails, effectively engaging potential clients and driving successful conversions.

February - March
Lead Connects
(Lead Generation and Email Marketing Internship)

Conducting market research to pinpoint potential leads and prospects and executing comprehensive lead generation strategies encompassing email campaigns, social media outreach, and content marketing initiatives.

2021 - Present
Stary PTE, Ltd.
(Editor/Professional Agent)

- Reviewing and editing creative content submitted to the platform.
- Providing feedback and guidance to writers to help them improve their writing skills and align their work with the platform's mission and goals.
- Collaborating with the editorial team to develop and implement guidelines and standards for content quality.
- Ensuring that all content is accurate, well-written, and free of errors.
- Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the writing industry, and using this knowledge to inform your work.

2021 - 2022
Stary PTE, Ltd.
(Creative Writer)

- Researching and brainstorming ideas for new content that aligns with our platform's mission and goals.
- Writing high-quality, original content that is engaging, creative, and compelling.
- Collaborating with our editorial team to develop and refine ideas and ensure that all content is of the highest quality.
- Continuously looking for new ways to improve and evolve our content, and to experiment with new forms of creative writing.
- Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the creative writing industry, and using this knowledge to inform your work.

My Services

Content Creation

Craft top-notch content: websites, blogs, social media, articles, newsletters, and email campaigns.

Lead Generation Strategies

Tailor lead gen strategies to client audience, industry. Identify leads, launch campaigns, optimize funnels.

Email Marketing

Manage email campaigns: nurture leads, engage prospects, write content, design templates, and track performance.

Social Media Management

Manage social media accounts and create engaging content to attract and engage with prospects.

Lead Magnet Creation

Create social media posting and email campaigns as lead magnets to attract and capture potential leads.

Data Analysis and Reporting

Analyze lead data, identify trends, and optimize strategies. Prepare detailed reports for client insights.



Dan TenNapel

Merlynn's meticulous approach and unwavering determination contributed significantly to the acquisition of valuable leads, reflecting her exemplary commitment to excellence.



LinkedIn Outreach

Soap Companies

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