Hey I am Mary Rose

More Info About Me

Registered Agriculturist, Government Employee, Graduating Masters Degree Student (2024, Master in Public Administration major in Organization and Management) Authorized representative for Registry of Deeds, Safekeeping and recording of registered Titles.

Mary Rose F. Becodo
Polomolok, Philippines
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My Skills and Competencies

Bookkeeping Services
Legal Virtual Assistant
Social Media Management
Graphic Designer
Data Entry
Content Creator


General Virtual Assistant

My Experience and Education

Bachelor of Science – Agricultural Business Management

Mindanao State University General Santos City

2022 - 2024
Department of Agrarian Reform – Sarangani Province
(Senior Agrarian Reform Program Technologist (SARPT))

Assigned at the Operations Divisions, currently designated as Authorize
Representative for the Registry of Deeds for all CARP Transactions; Judicial Form Account Officer
of all blank DAR Judicial Forms and Registered Titles; Designated also as Document Controller
Member under ISO 9001:2015 Standars

2015 - 2022
Department of Agrarian Reform – Sarangani Province
(Agrarian Reform Program Technologist)

Assigned at the field works, documentation of CARP covered landholdings,
assist in the Support Services activities (DAR Projects)

2013 - 2015
Department of Agrarian Reform – Sarangani Province

Clerical works, assist in all the transactions

2024 - Present
Virtual Assistant
(General Virtual Assistant)

Attended seminar under PRO VA for General Virtual Assistant. The niche are the following: Data Entry, Legal VA and Bookkeeper

My Services

Bookkeeping services

Bookkeeping services

Legal Researcher

Legal Research, with experience as sheriff

Social Media Management

Analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interaction and planning digital campaigns to build community.

Data Entry / Web Researcher

Search the Internet for information on a wide variety of topics.

Content Creator

Promote companies' products and services by developing copy for websites, social media, marketing materials.


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