Content Writing Samples

Sample 1: "Captivating Olango Island: Top 10 Tourist Spots 2023"
A blog article I wrote for Jude The Tourist travel guide website. This article contains 2164 words.
Written using Google Docs, published in WordPress.
Link to my published article:
Sample 2: Screenshots of a school module lesson I created for my English class 6th graders. I used MS Word for this module.
Sample 3: Screenshots of a G Suite script I wrote for teacher presenters. I was chosen to write a script for the G Suite student orientation. Presenters used this script as a guide to know what to say during each slide. I used Google Docs for this document.
Sample 4: A screenshot of an article for the school paper originally written by my student. I edited this article before it was submitted for print. MS Word was used for this document.
Sample 5: Screenshots of a blog article I wrote about why garage doors won't close and possible reasons and solutions for a specific problem. I used Google Docs for this article and it contains 2031 words.