Article 1

ThelargestandcapitalcityofSouth Korea is Seoul. On theHan River in the middle oftheKoreanPeninsula'sdemilitarized zone, close totheNorthKoreanborder,Seoul is a fascinating traveldestination(DMZ).AboundarybetweenNorthandSouth Korea is known as theDMZ.
Seoul, which has a total sizeof 605 sq km and has beengiventhedesignationofSpecial City, is directly underthecontrolofthenationalgovernment.Seoulwaschosen as the nation of SouthKorea'scapitalin1948.Throughoutvariousperiodsofitshistory,Seoulalsoexperienced numerous battlesandactsofdestruction.
The term "Korean numismaticcharms"(Korean:,literally"odd coins") refers to a familyof cash coin-like and othernumismatic-inspired types ofcharmsthat,liketheJapaneseandVietnamesevariants,aredescendedfromChinese numismatic charms(alsoknownasYanshengcoins or huqián), but haveevolved around the customsof the Korean culture eventhoughmostofthesecharmsresemble Korean cash Koreannumismatic charms come inalmost500differentrecognizedvariations.
When referring to these coins, the term "charm" refers to anything that is coin-shaped but is not real (or fake) money. Though some of these Chinese numismatic charms can be utilized as "mnemonic coins," not all of these numismatic items were necessarily thought to be "magical" or "lucky."