Data Entry Specialist

Tayo Yuden Phils Inc.
System Engineer ( 2006-2012 )
Data Entry Works
One of the skill needed as a system Engineer in a manufacturing plant is being able to use Microsoft Exce with Visual Basic. as an engineer it is one of our responsibility to gather data such machine related data eg. output, enter it on a data base for analyses either manually or thru Vis Bac. You must be able to know how to program logically in excel so as to have a faster result on the data you are working with.
The use and knowledge of powerpoint is used most of the time also since supervisor and managers need reports that they can show to upper management.
The use of SAP is important also for transaction of products and suppliers.
AUTOCAD drawing files must be listed in an excel sheets containing its link to the AUTOCAD drawing for faster search and for data archiving also.
There are a lot of suppliers that comes to our department and as an engineer it is one of our duty to gather whereabouts of the suppliers its services and products it offers and list them for archiving also.
Every abnormality that happens must also be entered into the data base such as excel sheets for monitoring purposes.
Below are some of the screen shots of my work
Qatar Jet Fuel Company
Instrument Technician ( 2013-2019 )
Data Entry Works
As an Instrument Technician one of the duty is doing truck dispensers meter calibration. We gather this data and enter this data on a data base for analyses to be used for the meters correction factor. This data will also be used and will be attached on the meter calibration certificate of the truck dispensers so that it can can be utilized as a dispenser in the field.
Data is being gathered and entered on a daily bases so as to achieve an archive as to what it is. Like abnormalities on the machines, trucks, meters or operation. This data gathered will be entered on the excel data sheet and is one of our responsibility.
Working on Autocad drawings and filing them accordingly to what section and departments it pertains to is also one of our responsibility.
When the depot was to be improved, contractors pdf file drawing has to be transformed into an excel file sheet containing and linking the pdf file AUTOCAD drawings.
We scrape also suppliers webpage as to what data the company needs and enters it on a data base for any relevant use it may produce.
Here are some of my works.