Social Media Manager
Social Media Manager - INSTAGRAM
Content Calendar for instagram account of client it includes who will do the post the desciption how wil it help and the status .
Social Media Manager - YOUTUBE
Link :(25) ohwa - YouTube
- This is the account i manage for about a year, It is a music artist account i make the cover photo and edited the profile photo the descriptions and the arrangement of the contents and music.
- It includes linking other social media accounts of the owner
- Promotion in other platforms
- Most watch content with 1700 views
- This video is one of my contents
- It includes hashtags
- It indicates where you can stream it in other platforms
- It indicates where you can buy the audio of the music video
- One of my duty is responding to comments so our subscriber can feel that we are more connected in someways
- Liking comments
- Commenting to competitors so their subscriber will also check our work