Social Media Manager
Cover Photo of the page Real Estate Business
Name of Page And other Details, It started only 60+ followers but now it has 578 followers.
Next is the content that has may views likes and reactions
Then The Audience whose viewed the Profile Page Part of Laguna, Rizal ,TayTay, Tiaong and even reach Doha Qatar
Then the planner when I boosted the post for one day my budget is 100 pesos for 1 day.
Next is the Advertising Summary and the result of my 1 day boosting of the post. you can see the insights
Then my Target Audience who viewed the Facebook Page.
Here's an example of what i post in the business page about real estate
Then the benchmarking you can see here that there's a progress when i boosted the page for only 1 day
Here's my Sample Social Media Manager Weekly Planner That i Created on Microsoft Excel