Hey I am John

More Info About Me

I am a motivated, focused, and creative multimedia designer based in the Philippines with over four years of experience in multimedia designing. I possess a wide range of creative capabilities and specialize in helping creative boost in online presence, social media awareness, and attract more followers through creative content strategies.

John Christian Marco
Pasig City, Philippines
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My Skills and Competencies

Video Editing
Content Creator
Social Media Management
Graphic Designer


My Experience and Education


Jose Rizal University

2020 - 2023
Senate of the Philippines
(Public Affairs Assistant / Multimedia Producer)

A skilled and innovative Content Strategist and Creator that focus on political communications. In this role, I play a pivotal part in developing and executing content strategies to promote and highlight a specific politician's achievements and initiatives as a public official in the Philippines. My expertise in creating captivating social media cards and short-form videos will be crucial in effectively engaging the target audience and enhancing the politician's public image.

2017 - 2020
(Multimedia Artist)

As a freelance multimedia designer, I create visually stunning content that meets clients' needs. With expertise in graphic design, animation, and video editing, I'm proficient in various multimedia software. I work independently with excellent communication skills, collaborating effectively with clients to deliver high-quality, brand-aligned designs within deadlines.

My Services

Social Media Management

Analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interaction and planning digital campaigns to build community.

Video Editing

Creating short form video, product video promotion, inspirational video and many more

Content Creator

Promote companies' products and services by developing copy for websites, social media, marketing materials.



Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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Address :
Pasig City,

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