BS Business Administration major in Management
Bulacan State University
My name is Jinky Cruz, and I am a social media manager who loves to find creative solutions for brands. I take pride in helping businesses manage their online presence and promote conversations that reinforce brand values. I am passionate about helping people make the most of their time online, primarily by keeping them connected to the people, places and things that matter most. If you need help planning a social media effort or are just looking for a fresh perspective, Iām your social media manager.
And also I am professional and experienced as data entry. I have an extensive knowledge of Google Sheet, Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint, and can also perform other tasks to satisfy the needs of my customers.
Bulacan State University
As a social media manager, some of the tasks I will be responsible for include, creating content and updating the page, responding to comments and messages, and analyzing page performance.
As an administrative aide, I will perform a variety of tasks including filing, photocopying, and mailing documents. I will also be responsible for making copies of company materials, such as documents and printouts from school. And I responsible for assisting in the day-to-day activities of the office and general administrative support.
I collect the payment from customers using the roadways. And I verify the amount the customer owes, collect the cash fee, and provide change if necessary.
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