Social Media Manager/FB Ads Strategist
Social Media Manager/Content Creator/ FB Ads Strategist
BikowbieTV Facebook Page (2020-2022)
One of my interests is creating content, especially in my leisure time since I enjoy editing and sharing my videos. I set up this page to promote my YouTube videos and increase viewer engagement. I occasionally publish relatable content as well. On the weekends, my spouse and I play video and mobile games while live streaming it on my Facebook.
We already have 1800+ followers in Facebook, 1900+ in YouTube and just a few in Instagram.
I started making a new post every two weeks, especially after we finished filming our weekend travel vlogs. I first provide a video teaser for our upcoming vlogs on YouTube, where it may be fully seen.
When the Pandemic began, I started to post to encourage all of my Facebook friends that soon all of us get to travel or even just go outside. Just giving positive outlook on life during those dreadful times.
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