Hey I am Diana Rose

More Info About Me

I am in charge of delivering remote assistance to business management professionals. My responsibilities include conducting research and organizing data, interacting with customers or clients on their behalf, and performing clerical tasks such as organizing calendars or sorting documents, answering emails, scheduling meetings and making travel arrangements, managing a contact list, preparing customer spreadsheets, and keeping online records. I also do market research, handle administrative issues for staff, and serve as customers' initial point of contact.
I also assist Amazon sellers by conducting product research, listing new products, updating inventory, able to manage track information, and handling their seller central accounts.

Diana Rose U. Narciso
Bulacan, Philippines
Check my CV View Work Hire Me

earch Lead Generation Email Management Time Management

Social Media Manager
Amazon VA
Data Entry
Executive Virtual Assistant


GVA Certificate

Front Desk Receptionist, Telemarketing Representative, Amazon Product Lister for Amazon A2Z

Computer Technology

Asian Institute of Computer Studies

Amazon Virtual Assistant Training

Social Media Management Training

General Virtual Assistant Training

2014 - 2019
Touch of Hands Clinic & Spa
(Licensed Massage Therapist)

Performed different massage techniques required by the client.

2017 - 2018
Touch of Hands Clinic $ Spa
(Front Desk Receptionist)

-Performed customer payment duties including giving receipts and change.
-Ensured staff coverage was appropriate for all shifts and changed staff schedules as necessary.

2016 - 2017
Eagle Point Batangas Beach Resort
(Telemarketing Representative)

-Contacted customers via telephone and email using scripted dialog
-Input new accounts on the computer system, listing each account's personal and payment information.

06/2022 - 07/2022
Amazon A2Z
(Internship - amazon Product Listing)

My Services

Social Media Management

Social Media Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one.

Amazon Virtual Assistant

Will help you conduct accurate product research to provide important information.


Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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