Bachelor of Science in Psychology
San Pedro College
Hi! This is Claire. Been working with the BPO industry for almost 9years. My first job is customer service representative I assist customer regarding with the bill and there service. At that time I also go to school and attend my class. In short I am a working student before and I’m proud of it because everyday is a challenge for me but I survive even though I work at night and attend my class in the morning. I am hard working and responsible when it comes to doing task. And I am always energetic and eager to learn more new skills.
San Pedro College
Calling customers that processed a request for getting a insurance quote online. We call customers to provide a recommendation quote that fits with there budget and needs.
Answering incoming calls and assisting customer regarding with the bill and service. Also selling services like phone, tv and internet service or what we called Bundle service. Troubleshoot significant customer service problems, and provide general information..
Will answer incoming calls from customers who wants to place a order, respond to inquiries, manage complaints, assisting customers regarding with the bill and service.
Analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interaction and planning digital campaigns to build community.
Search the Internet for information on a wide variety of topics.
Specializes in helping businesses attract and qualify more potential customers.
Works with clients who have complaints, orders, or require information about products and services purchased from the or