Hey I am Christian

More Info About Me

I am Christian, 25 years old, currently residing at Laguna and a part time worker in a farm as an office staff. My previous work was different from being in an office but I know to myself that I can adapt easily to things that I want to work on with my ability to cope on different field. I’m a hardworking, transparent, consistent and effective in my work.

Christian Mari G. Pagalanan
Laguna, Philippines
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My Skills and Competencies

Social Media Management
Data Entry
Content Creator



My Experience and Education

Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation

Asian Institute of Maritime studies

2019 - 2022
German Marine Agencies
(Cadet trainee to ordinary seaman)


2021 - 2023
Nylove Integrated Farm
(Social Media Manager/Admin)

My Services

Social Media Management

Analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interaction and planning digital campaigns to build community.

Data Entry / Web Researcher

Search the Internet for information on a wide variety of topics.

Content Creator

Promote companies' products and services by developing copy for websites, social media, marketing materials.


Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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