Bachelor in Secondary Education, Major in English (College Undergraduate)
Jose Rizal University
Jose Rizal University
We assist members to check their plan benefits, claim and prior authorization status, prescription coverage,process their payment for monthly premium and we also help them in contacting their Primary Care Physician to schedule an appointment. I have been an Advocate Coach for 6 months, where we assist trainees if they are ready to assist our members.
We are assisting customers to troubleshoot their HP Printers.
We check eligibility of Medicare holders for an Orthopedic Brace and assist them in getting one.
Cold calling medicare holders to offer Orthopedic Brace.
Cold calling medicare holders to offer Pharmaceutical Topical Pain Cream and Orthopedic Brace.
Cold calling households to offer weight loss products and topical pain cream.
Analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interaction and planning digital campaigns to build community.
Search the Internet for information on a wide variety of topics.
Scheduling appointments, handling correspondence, and managing records.