Hey I am Arcenias , Anie Joy

Extra information about myself

Hello, my name is Anie joy and I'm 28 years old. I'm a full-time mom to my two sons and formerly worked as an Overseas Filipino Worker in Macau for four years. I chose to return to the Philippines and apply as a Virtual Assistant or for an Online Job because it is one of the most popular careers right now, and it allows me to work while staying at home with my children, which I could not do in other countries.

Anie Joy Arcenias
Cabanatuan City, Philippines
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Social Media Manager, Amazon VA, Facebook ads, E-Commerce

Social Media Manager
Facebook Ads Management
Amazon VA


Call Center Agent

Facebook ads, Social Media Marketing

Associate Degree

Nueva Ecija High School

2019 - 2021
Social Media Manager ( X & m M Beauty Essential and Goods ( https://www.facebook.com/Overrunandbrandedclothing/) ) 2,000 followers
(Facebook ads manager)

> advertise on social media
> use social media ads
> creat social media ads
> creat social media advertising campaign

2016 - 2020
E-Commerce ( Shopee online shopping )
(Product Launcher and Researcher)

Identifying potential costumers ,maintaining relationships with existing clients, making cold calls, handling correspondence, closing sales, negotiating agreements, promoting especial offers.

Facebook Ads Manager

Social Media Management

Social Media Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one.

Facebook Ads Management

Facebook ads by getting inspiration from a few of our ad examples that have seen success.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is a craft where professionals create visual content to communicate messages.

Beauty Product, Weight-loss Product, Facebook ads , Sales Report

Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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Address :
Cabanatuan City,

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