Hey I am Jeremy

You've found the right Virtual Assistant for you

I am Jeremy Ruben A virtual Assistant who have the ability to follow instructions accurately and perform tasks and complete assignments within a deadline. Fast learner and easy to approach, I'm looking forward to taking on your project and exceed your expectation! Why hire three when you can employ only ME. I can be your all-around VA! My passion is to help you GROW YOUR BUSINESS.

Jeremy Oarde Ruben
Naga City, Philippines
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Services Offer

Social Media Management
Graphic Designer
Data Entry
Web Research



My Experience and Education

PRO VA Philippines

Room for Aspiring Freelancer, and virtual Assistants in The Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Aeronautical Academy of The Philippines

2018 - 2021
6r Marine Product
(Virtual Assistant)

Create Brochures , Improve Rating, Contact Customers, and always Product research

Virtual Assistant

Graphic Design

Logo Design, Creative & Talent, Poster Design, and Web/Graphic Design

Lead Generation

Email Marketing Strategy, Database Management, Linkedin Recruiting, and B2C Marketing

Social Media Management

Analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interaction and planning digital campaigns to build community.

Data Entry / Web Researcher

Search the Internet for information on a wide variety of topics.


Software Utilize

Graphic Design

Data Entry

Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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Address :
Naga City,

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