Spitzpoo (Spitz and Poodle Mix) Info, Pictures, Facts, FAQS & More

Intelligence and devotion to their owners are what Spitzpoos are made of. They are a Spitz Poodle mix that loves to please their families and would even act like little comedians. They can be trained with ease because of being active, independent, and obedient.
This is a unique and becoming more common hybrid that can give you a lot of cuddles and playtime while they also make great watchdogs as they are naturally suspicious of strangers and will bark to alert you to anyone approaching the house.
Discover how Spitzpoos can be a deal-breaker for you to not start owning a pet or not simply having an additional member of the family.
What Is a Spitzpoo?
The Spitz Poodle mix, more commonly known as Spitzpoo, is a crossbreed dog between the German or Japanese Spitz and the Poodle. Like its parent breeds, Spitzpoos are amiable, family-oriented, hyper dogs and can get along well with other animals.
Many types of Spitzes can breed Spitzpoos. However, German Spitz and Japanese Spitz are the most common types. They are lively, intelligent, affectionate, and entertaining family pets.
These Spitzes range from small to medium breed dogs that weigh from 3 to 30 kgs and are 24-55 cm in height. These are domestic dogs characterized by long, thick, and often white fur, and pointed ears and muzzles which are well suited to living in harsh northern climates.
Whilst the Poodle breed is divided into four varieties based on size, the Standard Poodle, Medium Poodle, Miniature Poodle, and Toy Poodle wherein their weights are from 6.5-32 kgs with height ranges from 24-62 cms. They have an extraordinarily thick, curly coat, and come in many colors.
No wonder their combination of Spitzpoos’ hair is somewhere in between straight and curly.
Spitz Poodle Mix Appearance: What Does a Spitzpoo Look Like?
Spitzpoos are usually small and medium breeds. Their heights are from 12 - 24 inches with weights from 15 - 70 pounds. This is not a dog for a low-energy pet owner since Spitzpoos could be very high-energy and hyper dogs that will be pretty small. The lifespan of Spitzpoos is between 8 - 16 years.
They often get their appearance similar to that of a Poodle with fur colors that vary from apricot to white, black and brown. Their hair is wavy to curly without noticeable markings. Their eyes are dark colored and their noses are black.
Spitzpoos are companion breeds. They thrive on attention to bond with their owners. They might have a predisposition for getting separation anxiety so better pamper them with love and care.
Overall, Spitzpoos will fill your home with cuteness and snuggles. They are attentive, energetic, fun-loving dogs with a sense of ridiculousness which made them the perfect and irresistible house dog.