Hey I am Jedahlyn

Your Virtual MVP!

Allow me to be your trusted virtual assistant, dedicated to streamlining your workload, maximizing productivity, and freeing up your valuable time. I'll be your go-to resource, handling administrative tasks, managing schedules, coordinating projects, and providing comprehensive support. With my years of experience in bookkeeping, data entry, social media and ads management, you can never go wrong in working with me. I've worked with locals and foreigners for the past few years and I can say I've earned not only experiences but also knowledge in handling different tasks. Say hello to efficiency and goodbye to overwhelming tasks!

Jedahlyn De Mateo Huang
Tarlac, Philippines
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Your Virtual MVP!

Engage, Influence, Succeed!
Facebook Ads Management
Social Media Management
Graphic Designer
Data Entry
Content Creator


My Work Experiences

Where Passion Meets Success!
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Management

Tarlac State University

2021 - 2023
Oishii Ramen & Sushi Bar
(Social Media Manager)

Manages social media platforms, boosting page engagement, content creation and caption, customer service interaction

2019 - 2023
(Accounting Officer & Human Resource Personnel)

Payroll, Disbursement Account, Handles employees, Preparing of Cheques to suppliers, Handles any related DOLE reports, Executive Assistant of our Chinese boss

2018 - 2019
Biggoals Corporation
(Accounts Payable Officer)

Handles payments to suppliers, preparing of cheques, scheduling of payment to supplier, handles petty cash fund

Unleashing Possibilities!

Target, Convert, Soar!
Facebook Ads Management

Handles campaigns for engagement, boosting and conversion of leads to sales


Invoicing, disbursements, attention to detail as well knowledge to Quickbooks

Social Media Management

Analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interaction and planning digital campaigns to build community.

Data Entry / Web Researcher

Search the Internet for information on a wide variety of topics.

Content Creator

Promote companies' products and services by developing copy for websites, social media, marketing materials.

Shaping Stories, Inspiring Minds!

Inspire, Innovate, Excel

Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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