Hey I am Jainna

Are you ready to take your brand's online presence to the next level? Look no further!

I am Jainna Raymundo, a Social Media Manager and Data Entry Specialist trained with an enthusiastic passion for all things social and a persistent commitment to precision.
As a Social Media Specialist, I create captivating campaigns using strategy and analytics, focusing on engaging content, eye-catching visuals, persuasive storytelling, and data-driven insights to elevate brand awareness, spark community, and ignite meaningful interactions.
But there's more! As a Data Entry, I have mastered the skill of accurate and effective data entry. I diligently maintain the accuracy and organization of your data by paying close attention to every detail. I make sure that your information is safe and prepared for crucial decision-making processes, whether I'm managing client details, updating databases, or keeping track of inventory records.
As I stay on top of the latest developments in social media marketing and data entry, my knowledge continues to grow. I am a powerful tool to increased productivity and performance, adept at using social media management systems and strong data entry software. So, let's join forces and unlock the full potential of your brand's digital journey. Together, we will conjure a symphony of success, leaving your competitors bewitched and your audience enchanted. Trust in the magic of a Social Media Manager & Data Entry Specialist– let's weave digital success together!"

Jainna Nava Raymundo
Guiguinto Bulacan, Philippines
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My Skills and Competencies

Organization and Time Management
Community Engagement
Social Media Management
Digital Marketing knowledge
Data Entry and Management
Administrative Support


General Virtual Assistant Certificate

My Experience and Education

Bachelor of science in Industrial Engineering and Management

Mingshin University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu Taiwan

2023 - 2023
Zhenshop. Taiwan
(Social Media Management)

I'm creating and executing strategies for brand growth and engagement, ensuring content creation and community building, enhancing online presence and unlocking full potential for success of the Facebook page.

2023 - 2023
Tong Hsing Electronic Industries. Ltd
(Assistant Engineer)

I contribute to diverse engineering projects, focusing on detail and innovation. Collaborates with experts, bringing technical expertise and a can-do attitude to ensure success. Joining forces for a brighter, more sustainable future.

2021 - 2022
Pink Glow PH
(Social Media Management)

Help create contents and help Boost online presence and engage with audience effectively. I'll curate and schedule social media content, respond to comments, and monitor trends, help to build a strong online brand.

My Services

Social Media Management

Analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interaction and planning digital campaigns to build community.

Data Entry

Provide data management services with integrity, quality, and confidentiality.

Online Book keeping

Offers financial management, organization, and collaboration for business growth.

My Works

Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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Address :
Guiguinto Bulacan,

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